Monday, 9 July 2012

She's still alive n kicking :)

After many months, today has been a really good start to my day. After battling phases of sadness and depression and an unhealthy body, I have finally decided to take charge of my life. Since I was born I have lived in a cocoon and nothing much happened for a long time but I came out of it in 2011 and a lot has happened in that one year.

I have gone from scaling the heights of happiness and ecstasy to coming down crashing with a thud. That crash almost broke my bones and my soul. I felt life had ditched me. And I took the easiest route I could to cope with that fall. I went back into the cocoon and held the world around me responsible for killing the girl full of life.

But I couldn't see that the girl had not died. She had just been sucked back deep into her cocoon. And there were peep holes all over that cocoon of hers. She could see the world around her. one was the world she had built for herself as a child and then was someone else's world that she had made her own. Every one wanted to mould her soul according to what suited them and in the quest of doing so, they almost ended up crushing her soul to death. She was left feeling lifeless.

But then recently a sudden realization dawned upon her. She was becoming like one of the many people in the world who blamed others for everything. Just in time, she realized that those who really love her, love her for what she is, deep within. And that she shouldn't change. She shouldn't become what the society and the people in it demand her to be. She should remain who she is, a free spirit, loving everyone without any expectations of being loved back. She should just thrive on becoming a better soul. Not depending on anyone to be happy or feel loved. She needs to learn to love herself again. One can't please everyone. But one should be careful not to hurt anyone, knowingly.

This is what the girl has realized. She has decided to feel comfortable in her own skin. She will be as sad or as happy as she wants to be. She has decided to live life with her head held high and just be herself and just live in the moment. Take each day as it comes, striving to make it a positive, quality day.


  1. Prakrati Baisa this short or an story is an motivational and example for all those who blame their failure on others, and life.This is an one more chapter for the people who want to achieve in life but scare of the struggle.


  2. Every one wanted to mould her soul according to what suited them and in the quest of doing so, they almost ended up crushing her soul to death.....

    Sad but true fact of being a Rajput girl and worse if you come from a high-class family...PPL will always judge you, criticise you, ready to pull you down, but remember ultimately it is WE that make choice abt who WE want to include to be US in our life!! I have done it too and yes it is very painful at a time to stand for what you belive in as world, society oR Samaj is always ready to pull you down n tere you apart BUT as long as you believe in YOU nothing matters my dear sister Prakrati.....thx for sharing your thought wid us!! Lotsa Love n hugs..

  3. Life is not a happy go lucky journey when we step into the world out there...its how we mould ourselves, believe in our beliefs and stand by it. The testing times are just to make sure that what we stand for is right, hence it can and cannot be pleasing to others...! Its a reckless drive unless we hit a roadblock that brings the true self out...!
